About the library

The library of the Institute for Balkan Studies of SASA, as a special library, has 15,938 cataloged publications, 6,934 volumes of periodicals and 9,004 monographic publications, that are mostly related to Balkan Studies in the field of humanities. Since 2016, the library has become part of the Cooperative Online Bibliographic System and the COBISS service, in which 5,437 publications have been processed. The work on processing publications from the library fund in the COBISS system continues.

By analyzing the needs of employed researchers, every year, in accordance with the possibilities, the library’s fund is enriched with the latest scientific literature from various fields of humanities. The publications of the Institute for Balkan Studies of SASA are deposited in the Digital Archive of SANU - DAIS.

DAIS is a joint digital repository of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts (SASA) and the SASA Institute. The goal of the Repository is to enable open access to the publications of SASA and its institutes, as well as the scientific papers of associates employed at SASA institutes published by other publishers, contributing to greater visibility.