Drаgаnа Nikolić, PhD
senior research associate

Contact: dragana.grbic@bi.sanu.ac.rs
Academic networks:
Dragana Nikolić (born Grbić) was born on November 9th 1983, in Zemun. She graduated from the High School of Philology in Belgrade, majoring in classical languages in 2002. She graduated from Classical Sciences at the Faculty of Philosophy in Belgrade in September 2006 as the best student of the generation of Classical Sciences and the best student of the generation of the Faculty of Philosophy. She enrolled in graduate academic studies of History - Master, at the Faculty of Philosophy in Belgrade, majoring in History of Ancient Rome and Ancient History of Our Countries, in 2006 with the mentorship of Professor Emeritus, Dr. Slobodan Dušanić. She enrolled in Doctoral studies in December 2007 with the same mentor, and defended her Doctoral dissertation titled “Civitates peregrinae in Illyricum in the time of the Principate according to Pliny's Naturalis historia and epigraphic sources” in 2012. From 2006 to 2010, she was employed at the Faculty of Philosophy in the Department of History, at the Center for Ancient Epigraphy and Numismatics "Fanula Papazoglu", as a junior research assistant, and then as a research assistant (since May 28th 2008) within the project “Ancient inscriptions on Illyrian soil: critical publishing and interdisciplinary research of epigraphic monuments” under the leadership of Professor Emeritus Slobodan Dušanić. Since December 2011, she has been employed at the Institute for Balkan Studies SASA, on the project “Society, Spiritual-Material Culture and Communications in the Prehistory and Early History of the Balkans”. She was elected a research associate in 2014, and a senior research associate in 2020. She is the leader of the project of digitization of ancient epigraphic monuments at the Institute for Balkan Studies SASA, as well as the topics Society, language, spiritual-material culture and communications in the Balkans in the prehistory and early history of the Balkans (since 2020). As an expert evaluator of scientific research projects, she has been participating in Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions within the Horizon 2020 program since 2015. She has published two monographs: Tribal Communities in Illyricum. Pre-urban administrative structures in the Roman provinces between the Adriatic and the Danube, Belgrade: Institute for Balkan Studies SASA (Special Editions 125) and Drobeta, Roman city on the Danube, Belgrade: Institute for Balkan Studies SASA (Special Editions 144), as well as a number of scientific papers in national and international publications. She has participated in scientific conferences in the country and abroad, as well as in several workshops dedicated to digital epigraphy and digitalization of cultural heritage.
Field of research and research topics - ancient history, ancient epigraphy with a focus on epigraphic-historical research of the Central and Western Balkans in Roman times in the field of institutions, society and cult and with special interest in ethnic and cultural interweaving in this area and integration process of the Epichorian population to the Roman Empire.
2019– Балканолошке теме, Balkan Themes Project, led by Dr. Vujadin Ivanišević.
2014–2015 Middle Danube, Lower Sava and Central Balkans: land of anchor, land of passage from first to fifth century A.D, Institute for Balkan Studies SASA, Belgrade –Institute Ausonius, Bordeaux. Bilateral project „Programe Pavle Savić 2014–2015“– „Partnership Hubert Curien” (PHC), 2014-2015 (no 451-03-3455/2013-09/16). Project leaders: Dr Vladimir Petrović – Dr Francis Tassaux.
2011–2019 Друштво, духовно-материјална култура и комуникације у праисторији и раној историји Балкана, Society, spiritual-material culture and communications in the prehistory and early history of the Balkans (supervisor prof Dr. Nenad N. Tasić). financed by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia. Holder: Institute for Balkan Studies SASA.
2007, 2008, 2009 The Roman Limes in Lower Pannonia And Upper Moesia, Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Project leader: Academic Slobodan Dušanić.
2006–2010 Антички натписи на тлу Илирика: критичко издавање и интердисциплинарна истраживања епиграфских споменика, Ancient inscriptions on Illyrian soil: critical publishing and interdisciplinary research of epigraphic monuments, Faculty of Philosophy, Belgrade, (led by Professor Emeritus Slobodan Dušanić).
2006– Member of the editorial board of L’année épigraphique, PUF - editor for the Danube and Balkan provinces in charge of epigraphic material originating from the territories of Serbia, Montenegro, Bosnia and Macedonia. http://www.anneeepigraphique.msh-paris.fr
Project leadership
Project manager of the Institute for Balkan Studies SASA: "Digitization of ancient epigraphic heritage in Serbia", which is funded by the Ministry of Culture and Information of the Republic of Serbia in 2015 and 2016.
Project Manager of the Balkan Institute of SANU: "EpiDoc XML coding of Roman inscriptions from the soil of Serbia - digitization of ancient epigraphic heritage" which is funded by the Ministry of Culture and Information of the Republic of Serbia in 2018 (www.digitalepigraphyserbia.rs).
Expert work
2015– Expert evaluator and external monitor for Research Executive Agency, Marie Sklodowska Curie Actions, Horizon 2020 programme.
Николић, Д. Дробета, римски град на Дунаву [Drobeta, A Roman Town on the Danube], Београд: Балканолошки институт САНУ, Посебна издања 144, 2019. ISBN 978-86-7179-108-3.
Грбић, Д. Племенске заједнице у Илирику. Предурбане административне структуре у римским провинцијама између Јадрана и Дунава (I-III век). [Tribal Communities in Illyricum. Pre-urban Administrative Structures in the Roman Provinces Between the Adriatic and the Danube (First–Third Centuries)], Посебна издања 125, Београд: Балканолошки институт САНУ, 2014. ISBN: 978-86-7179-084-0 http://dais.sanu.ac.rs/123456789/3320
Nikolić, D. “Stoneworkers’ Hercules. A Comment on an Upper Moesian Inscription”. Studia antiqua et archaeologica 25/2 2019, 457–464. http://dais.sanu.ac.rs/123456789/9050
Loma, S. and D. Grbić Nikolić. “New and revised inscriptions from Dalmatia. Municipium Malvesiatium and municipium Splonistarum”. Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik 207 (2018), 278–288. (ISSN 00845388) http://dais.sanu.ac.rs/123456789/4511
Nikolić, D. “Some Considerations about the Peregrine Communities in Upper Moesia”. Lucida intervalla 47 2018, 221–234. (ISSN 1450-6645) http://dais.sanu.ac.rs/123456789/4957
Grbić, D. “Greek, Latin and Palaeo-Balkan Languages in Contact, Rhesis”. International Journal of Linguistics, Philology, and Literature Linguistics and Philology 7.1 (2016), 32–41. (ISSN 2037-4569), http://dais.sanu.ac.rs/123456789/3911
Grbić, D. “Ancestral Gods and Ethnic Associations: Epigraphic Examples from Upper Moesia”. Lucida intervalla 44 (2015), 125–136. http://dais.sanu.ac.rs/123456789/3910
Grbić, D. “Thracian Hero on the Danube”. Balcanica XVIV (2014), 7–21. (ISSN 0350-7653), http://dais.sanu.ac.rs/123456789/4353
Petrović, V. P. and D. Grbić. “The Roman Roads Between Upper Moesia and Thrace: Archaeological and Epigraphic Evidence”. Journal of Ancient Topography/Rivista di Topografia Antica XXIV (2014), 23–32. (ISSN 1121-5275), http://dais.sanu.ac.rs/123456789/6374
Грбић, Д. „Епиграфске вести из Источне Србије”. Етно-културолошки зборник XVIII (2014), 97–99. http://dais.sanu.ac.rs/handle/123456789/3918
Petrović, V. P. and D. Grbić. “Ancient Remesiana: А New Milestone from the Times of Severus Alexander”. Journal of Ancient Topography ХХIII/Rivista di topografia antica ХХIII (2013), 95–106. [ISSN 1121-5275; ISBN 9788867660896], http://dais.sanu.ac.rs/123456789/6373
Grbić, D. “О antroponimiji Azala” [Anthroponymy of the Azali]. Lucida intervalla 42 (2013), 119–142. (ISSN 1450-6645), http://dais.sanu.ac.rs/123456789/3915
Грбић, Д. „Војни лекари у Горњој Мезији“ [Roman Military Physicians in Moesia Superior]. Етно-културолошки зборник XVII (2013), 61–67. http://dais.sanu.ac.rs/123456789/3917
Grbić, Д. „Agripa, Plinije i geografija Ilirika“. Lucida intervalla 41 (2012), 93–105. (ISSN 1450-6645), http://dais.sanu.ac.rs/handle/123456789/3912
Grbić, Д. „O jednom nedavno objavljenom latinskom natpisu“. Lucida intervalla 41 (2012), 107–114. (ISSN 1450-6645), http://dais.sanu.ac.rs/handle/123456789/3913
Grbić, Д. „Epigraphic Note on the Cult of Juppiter Dolichenus in the Iron Gates“. Classica et Christiana 7/2 (2012). (ISSN: 1842-3043), http://dais.sanu.ac.rs/123456789/7983
Grbić, Д. „Augustan Conquest of the Balkans in the Light of Triumphal Monuments“. Živa Antika/Antiquité vivante 61 (2011), 129–139. (ISSN 0514-7727), http://dais.sanu.ac.rs/handle/123456789/3916
Грбић, Д. „Из епиграфске баштине античке Доклеје: један натпис посвећен Neptuno periculorum Absolutori“. [Inscription dedicated to Neptune from the territory of ancient Doclea]. Старинар LIX/2009, 2010, 175–180. (ISSN 0350-0241), DOI 10.2298/STA0959175G. http://dais.sanu.ac.rs/handle/123456789/4061
Грбић, Д. „Cilices у Сингидунуму. Белешке из војничке епиграфике и топографије“ .[Cilices in Singidunum. Notes on Military Epigraphy and Topography]. Старинар LVII/2007, 2008, 221–227. (ISSN 0350-0241), http://dais.sanu.ac.rs/handle/123456789/4060
Grbić, D. „Digitalna epigrafika u jugoistočnoj Evropi”. [Digital Epigraphy in South-Eastern Europe]. Lucida intervalla 42 (2013), 186–188. (саопштење)
Мирковић, M. и Д. Грбић. „Moesia Superior. Eine Provinz an der mittleren Donau.“ Verlag Philipp von Zabern, Mainz 2007“. (приказ), Старинар LVI/2006, 2007, 392–394. (ISSN 0350-0241)
Nikolić, D. “Digitizing the Ancient Epigraphic Heritage from Serbia”. International Workshop in Epigraphy and Sigillography, Шумен/Велики Преслав, 28–30.10.2019.
Nikolić, D. “Case Study in Digital Humanities: Roman Inscriptions in Serbia”. Примена слободног софтвера и отвореног хардвера/Applicaton of Free Software and Open Hardware (PSSOH), Електротехнички факултет Универзитета у Београду, 26. октобар 2019. DOI 10.5281/zenodo.3464087
Nikolić, D. “Roman Military Strategy in the Iron Gates in the Light of Epigraphic Evidence”. Defending the polis - defending the Empire. The ancient Greek and Roman military strategy and inscriptions International Epigraphic Roundtable, University of Debrecen, 17–18 October 2019.
Николић, Д. Дигитални репозиторијум Балканолошког института САНУ, ДАИС — две године касније, Српска академија наука и уметности, Београд, 26.6.2019.
Nikolić, D. “First contacts between the Roman Military and the local people” 24. Limes Congress Book of Abstracts, eds. S. Golubović, N. Mrđić, 119. Belgrade—Viminacium, 2–9 September 2018. ISBN 979-86-6439-039-3
Kurilić, A. and Grbić, D. “New epigraphic finds from the Roman province of Dalmatia”. XVth International Congress of Greek and Latin Epigraphy Languages – Culture of Writing – Identities in Antiquity, Vienna, 28 August–1 September 2017.
Grbić, D. “Some traits of Romanization in Eastern Dalmatia”. Imperialism and Identities at the Edges of the Roman World 3, Marko A. Janković, Vladimir Mihajlović eds., 26. Petnica Science Center, 22–25 September 2016. ISBN 978-86-6427-052-6
Grbić, D. “Contact Phenomena between Greek and Latin and Peripheral Languages in the Mediterranean Area (1200 B.C.–600 A.D.)”. International Workshop, Cagliari, Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia “Sa Duchessa”, 13–14 April 2015.
Grbić, D., V. Petrović and V. Filipović. “Serbian-French Bilateral Project: Middle Danube, Lower Sava and Central Balkans: Land of Anchor, Land of Passage from 1st to 5th centuries A.D.” 20th Annual Meeting of the European Association of Archaeologists - Abstracts of the Oral and Poster Presentations, European Association of Archaeologists, 32– 32. Турска, 10–14 September 2014. ISBN: 978-605-396-287-8.
Grbić, D. «Аspects de la romanisation dans les provinces romaines entre Adriatique et Danube » Les Balkans entre Adriatique et mer Noire dans l’Antiquité, Institut Ausonius, Bordeaux, 7 novembre 2014.
Grbić, D. „EpiDoc и критичко издавање античких текстова”. Digitalia philologorum. Dan digitalne latinistike/grecistike na Filozofskom fakultetu, Filozofski fakultet Beograd, 28.12.2014.
Grbić, D. “Towards Building a Digital Corpus of Roman Milestones from Serbia — Ideas and Possibilities”. Middle Danube, Sava and Lower Central Balkans: Land of anchor, Land of Passage from first to fifth century AD, Belgrade, Institute for Balkan Studies, 7 October 2014.
Grbić D. “Eastern Serbia in Roman Times: some administrative aspects”. International Scientific conference Central Balkans to the Danube: Archaeology and Heritage. Svrljig, 5–6 October 2013. ISBN 978-86-7179-081-9
Grbić D. “Dii Paterni and National Clubs. The Epigraphic Evidence for the Anatolian cults in the Roman Province of Upper Moesia Romanising”. Oriental Gods? Religious transformations in the Balkan provinces in the Roman period. New finds and novel perspectives, International symposium, Leiden University/University of Toulouse/Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Skopje, 18–21 September 2013.
Грбић, Д. „Civitates peregrinae у Илирику у време Принципата према Плинијевој Naturalis historia и епиграфским изворима“. Београд: Филозофски факултет, 2012. http://dais.sanu.ac.rs/handle/123456789/1053
Organisation of scientitifc congresses
EpiDoc XML Workshop Belgrade 2018
Notices dans L’Année épigraphique 2017, ed. Mireille Corbier (ed.), Paris: Presses Universitaires de France [ISBN 978-2-13-082103-8 ISSN: 00662348]
Notices dans L’Année épigraphique 2016, ed. Mireille Corbier (ed.), Paris: Presses Universitaires de France [ISBN 9782130802044, ISSN: 00662348]
Notices dans L’Année épigraphique 2015, ed. Mireille Corbier (ed.), Paris: Presses Universitaires de France 2018 [ISBN 9782130802051, ISSN: 00662348] https://www.cairn.info/revue-annee-epigraphique-2018-1.htm
Notices dans L’Année épigraphique 2014, ed. Mireille Corbier (ed.), Paris: Presses Universitaires de France 2017 [ISBN 9782130787853, ISSN: 00662348] https://www.cairn.info/revue-annee-epigraphique-2017-1.htm
Notices dans L’Année épigraphique 2013, ed. Mireille Corbier (ed.), Paris: Presses Universitaires de France 2016, [ISBN 9782130650836] https://www.cairn.info/revue-annee-epigraphique-2016-1.htm
Notices dans L’Année épigraphique 2012, ed. Mireille Corbier (ed.), Paris 2015, [ISBN 9782130628675, ISSN: 00662348] https://www.cairn.info/revue-annee-epigraphique-2015-1.htm
Notices, L’Année épigraphique 2011, ed. Mireille Corbier, Paris: Presses Universitaires deFrance 2014, [ISBN: 9782130617839 ISSN: 00662348] https://www.cairn.info/revue-annee-epigraphique-2014-1.htm
Notices, L’Année épigraphique 2010, ed. Mireille Corbier et al., Paris: Presses Universitaires de France 2013, [ISBN: 2130593321, ISSN: 00662348] https://www.cairn.info/revue-annee-epigraphique-2013-1.htm
Νotices, L’Année épigraphique 2009, ed. Mireille Corbier et al., Paris: Presses Universitaires de France https://www.cairn.info/revue-annee-epigraphique-2012-1.htm
Νotices, L’Année épigraphique 2008, ed. Mireille Corbier et al., Paris: Presses Universitaires de France 2011, (ISBN: 2130579981, ISSN 0066-2348). https://www.cairn.info/revue-annee-epigraphique-2011-1.htm
Notices, L’Année épigraphique 2007, ed. Mireille Corbier et al., Paris: Presses Universitaires de France 2010 (ISBN: 978-2-13-057418-7, ISSN 0066-2348). https://www.cairn.info/revue-annee-epigraphique-2010-1.htm
Notices, L’Année épigraphique 2006, ed. Mireille Corbier et al., Paris: Presses Universitaires de France 2009 (ISBN 2-13-057246-4, ISBN: 978-2-13-057246-6, ISSN 0066-2348).