Bogdan Živković, PhD
research associate

Academic networks:
Bogdan Živković was born in 1991 in Bar, Montenegro. He completed his Bachelor and Master studies of history at the Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade, in 2014 and 2015, respectively. In 2016 he was awarded a PhD fellowship for the doctoral program in history of Europe, at the Faculty of Arts and Humanities, Sapienza University of Rome (Dottorato di ricerca in Storia dell’Europa, Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia, Sapienza Università di Roma). In December 2020 he obtained his PhD, defending his thesis titled Yugoslavia and Eurocommunism. Yugoslavia and the Italian Communist Party in the Sixties and Seventies. Since January 2022 he has been employed at the Institute for Balkan Studies SASA.
Areas of research and research topics – History of Yugoslav socialism, Yugoslav-Italian relations, history of Italy, Cold War, history of communism.
2019 – Participant in the research project La proiezione internazionale dell’Italia dalla seconda guerra mondiale all’Atto Unico Europeo at the Sapienza University of Rome. The project is guided by prof. Luca Micheletta.
Articles and scientific papers
Živković, B. “Inspiring Dissent: Yugoslavia and the Italian Communist Party during 1956”. Tokovi istorije 3 (2021), 171–198.
Živković, B. “In Quest of a New International Communist Alliance: The Yugoslav Mediation in the Renewal of Relations Between the Communist Parties of Italy and China (1977-1979)”. In Iconografie europee, eds. W. Montanari, S. Zakeri, 285–306. Rome : Edizioni Nuova Cultura, 2021.
Živković, B. „Od novog pomirenja do strateškog saveza: odnosi jugoslovenskih i italijanskih komunista od 1962. do Toljatijeve posete januara 1964. godine“. Istorijski zapisi 3-4/2020 (2021), 121–146. (cyrillic)
Živković, B. „Jedan italijanski pogled na Jugoslaviju: o aktivnosti novinara lista Unita u Beogradu tokom šezdesetih i sedamdesetih“. Arhiv XXI 1/2 (2020), 206–237. (cyrillic)
Živković, B. “Le questioni delle minoranze e del confine nei rapporti fra il PCI e la Jugoslavia, 1955-1975”. Quaderni XXXI (2020), 12–47.
Živković, B. „Federico Tenca Montini. La Jugoslavia e la questione di Trieste, 1945–1954. Bologna: il Mulino, 2020, 320.“ Tokovi istorije 2 (2021), 279–283. (cyrillic)
Živković, B. „Patrick Karlsen. Vittorio Vidali. Vita di uno stalinista (1916–56). Bologna: il Mulino, 2019, 320.“ Tokovi istorije 1 (2021), 342–346. (cyrillic)
Živković, B. „Stefan Gužvica. Before Tito. The Communist Party of Yugoslavia During the Great Purge (1936–1940). Tallinn: Tallinn University Press, 2020, 224.“ Tokovi istorije 3 (2020), 296–300. (cyrillic)
Bonifacio, A. i Živković, B. “Osimo dalla prospettiva italiana e da quella jugoslava: due nuovi contributi”. QUALESTORIA 1 (2019), 177–183.
Živković, B. „Paul Preston. The Last Stalinist: The Life of Santiago Carrillo. London: HarperCollins, 2014, 448.“ Tokovi istorije 1 (2017), 237–242. (cyrillic)
Živković, B. „Superare il 1948: il ruolo del conflitto nei rapporti tra la Jugoslavia e il PCI tra 1956 e 1964“. Conference Il conflitto sovietico-jugoslavo. Analisi delle ripercussioni a 70 anni dalla “scomunica di Tito”. Rome, Sapienza University of Rome, June 2018.
Živković, B. „Jugoslavia, PCI e la questione della minoranza italiana. Anni '50-'60“. Conference Il mondo culturale in Istria, Fiume e Dalmazia dal 1700 al 1900. Il Novecento. Rome, Associazione Nazionale Venezia Giulia e Dalmazia, May 2018.
Živković, B. „Tito and Togliatti’s Last Encounter – Forming of a Strategic Alliance“. Conference Laboratory of Yugoslav Political Innovation: The Origins, Synthesis and International Influences of Self-Management Socialism. Koper, Znanstveno raziskovalno središče Koper, May 2018.
Živković, B. „Suppressed de-Stalinization: Yugoslavia, the Communist Party of Italy and the Hungarian Crisis of 1956“. Conference 8th Annual International Student Conference of the Cold War History Research Center at Corvinus University of Budapest. Budapest, Corvinus University of Budapest, Central European University, European Institute – Columbia University, June 2017.
Živković, B. „Yugoslavia and the Roots of Eurocommunism: Tito and Togliatti in 1956“. PhD workshop From Below and in Between. Narrating and Practicing the Cold War in South East Europe. Berlin, Humboldt University, June 2017.