Danilo Savić, MA

research assistant

Contact: danilo.savic@bi.sanu.ac.rs 

Academic networks:

Employed at the Institute for Balkan Studies SASA since August 2019. Doctoral student at the Department of Classical Sciences of the Faculty of Philosophy in Belgrade and at the École Pratique des Hautes Études in Paris; a French government scholarship for doctoral studies at these two faculties. Submitted doctoral dissertation titled Contacts entre les langues de l'Italie et des Balkans pendant l'antiquité: le cas du messapien et des vestiges linguistiques de l'Illyricum (Contacts between the languages ​​of Italy and the Balkans in antiquity: the case of the Mesapian and linguistic relics of Illyricum). Master studies completed at the École Pratique des Hautes Études (2018–2019); French government scholarship for master studies. Master's thesis title: La notation des consonnes géminées en osque (Recording of consonant geminates in Osak). Undergraduate studies completed at the Department of Classical Sciences, Faculty of Philosophy (2013–2017). Thesis title: Development of Indo-European * ln in the lexical heritage of Greek and Latin.

Fields of research: Indo-European studies, historical grammar of Greek and Latin, Italian languages, Mesapian language, Paleo-Balkan studies, linguistic relics of Illyricum, Thracian language, ancient epigraphy.

Research topics: the relationship of Mesopotamian and Paleo-Balkan languages, the relationship of Paleo-Balkan and other Indo-European languages, linguistic contacts in the Balkans and neighboring areas in ancient times, onomastics of the indigenous population of the ancient Balkans, Proto-Italian, the relationship of Italian and Celtic languages.



2019– Друштво, духовно-материјална култура и комуникације у праисторији и раној историји Балкана (Society, spiritual-material culture and communications in the prehistory and early history of the Balkans). Project funded by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development. Project leader: Nenad N. Tasic, PhD.

2020– Друштво, духовно-материјална култура и комуникације на Балкану у праисторији и раној историји Балкана (Society, spiritual-material culture and communications in the prehistory and early history of the Balkans).  Finansed by the Institute. Project leader:
Dragana Nikolić, PhD

2019– Langues et institutions en Italie méridionale : Les aires osques et messapiennes entre Grande-Grèce et Rome. Leaders: Michel Aberson (Université de Lausanne), Emanuel Dipraz (Université libre de Bruxelles / École Pratique des Hautes Études) Luis Silva Reneses (Université de Genève), Antoine Virda (Université de Lausanne), Rudolf Vahter (Universität Baght).



Articles and scientific papers


  • Savić, D. „Compte-rendu de Xavier Delamarre, Dictionnaire de la langue gauloise. Une approche du vieux celtique continental. Paris: Éditions Errance. 2018, 440 p.” Balcanica 51 (2020), 293–296.


  • Savić, D. „Revisitng Saussure’s Effect in Italic: The etymology of Oscan sollo.“ Konferencija Arbeitstagung 100 Jahre Indogermanistik an der Universität Ljubljana – Ein “Ljubljäum”, Ljubljana, 4–7 jun 2019. 


  • Савић, Д. Предавач на Belgrade Winter School in Indo-European Linguistics, Одељење за класичне науке Филозофског факултета, Универзитет у Београду, Београд, 10–14. фебруар 2020.

  • Савић, Д. Предавач на факултативном курсу (са др Орсатом Лигоријом) Увод у сабелске језике (осачки и умбријски), Одељење за класичне науке Филозофског факултета, Универзитет у Београду, зимски семестар 2018/2019.