Igor Vukadinović, PhD
research assоciate
Contact: igor.vukadinovic@bi.sanu.ac.rs
Academic networks:
Igor Vukadinović was born in 1990 in Novi Sad, Serbia. He completed his bachelor's and master's degrees in history at the Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade, in 2014 and 2015. He received his PhD in 2020 from the Faculty of Philosophy at the University of Belgrade with a thesis titled "The Autonomy of Kosovo and Metohija in Serbia, 1945–1969." His field of study is modern Serbian and Balkan history, with a focus on the autonomy of Kosovo and Metohija and relations between Yugoslavia and Albania. For his book, "The Autonomy of Kosovo and Metohija in Serbia, 1945–1969," he received the Matica Srpska "Ilarion Ruvarac" History Award for 2021.
Field of research and research topics - Contemporary national history, history of Yugoslavia and contemporary history of Kosovo and Metohija.
2022– „Pope Pius XII and the Challenge of Totalitarianism in Yugoslavia, 1941–1958“, as part of the program IDEAS of the Science Fund of the Republic of Serbia.
2019–2021 Историја политичких идеја и институција на Балкану у 19. и 20. веку, (History of political ideas and institutions in the Balkans in the 19th and 20th centuries), financed by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia. Led by the Institute for Balkan Studies SASA.
Вукадиновић, И. Аутономија Косова и Метохије у Србији (1945–1969). Београд: Балканолошки институт САНУ, 2021. ISBN - 978-86-7179-116-8
Articles and chapters
- Vukadinović, I. „The 1972 smallpox outbreak in Yugoslavia and the health status of the Albanian national minority in Kosovo“. Jahrbücher für Geschichte Osteuropas, vol 71, 3 (2023), 439–462. https://biblioscout.net/article/10.25162/jgo-2023-0016
- Vukadinović, I. „The question of national identity and the immigration of Kosovo Muslims to Turkey during the Yugoslav communist regime“. Politics, Religion & Ideology, vol 24, 2 (2023), 224-241 . https://doi.org/10.1080/21567689.2023.2209725
- Vukadinović, I. „Titoizam protiv nauke: Primer „kritičkog osvrta“ Zorana Janjetovića“ [Titoism against science: An example of "scientific review" Zoran Janjetović]. Tokovi istorije, 2 (2023), 359–367. https://doi.org/10.31212/tokovi.2023.2.vuk.359-367
- Vukadinović, I. „Demografska i ekonomska komparacija Kosova i Metohije i Južne Srbije pod komunističkom vlašću, 1945-1971“ [Demographic and economic comparison of Kosovo and Metohija and Southern Serbia under communist rule, 1945-1971]. In: Vranjski glasnik povodom 110 godina od Balkanskih ratova i oslobođenja Stare Srbije : tematski zbornik od nacionalnog značaja, Vranje: Narodni muzej, 2023, 315–325.
- Vukadinović, I. „Kulturna diplomatija u odnosima Jugoslavije i Albanije nakon Drugog svetskog rata“ [Cultural diplomacy in the relations between Yugoslavia and Albania after the Second World War]. In: Cultural diplomacy and cultural relations : collaboration, diversity, dialogue. editors Milena Dragičević Šešić, Raphaela Henze and Ljiljana Rogač Mijatović. Belgrade: University of Arts – Clio, Heilbronn : Heilbronn University, 2023, 260–275.
- Vukadinović, I. „Strogo poverljivi izveštaji ministra spoljnih poslova Albanije o političkoj situaciji u Jugoslaviji i na Kosovu i Metohiji 1966–1968“ [Situation in Yugoslavia and Kosovo and Metohija in strictly confidential reports of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Albania 1966-1968]. Istorija 20. veka, no. 1 (2023), 159–176. https://doi.org/10.29362/ist20veka.2023.1.vuk.159-176
- Vukadinović, I. „Političko nasilje i ukidanje ustavnih prava Republike Srpske – oduzimanje teritorije, vojske i pravosuđa [Political violence and the abolition of the constitutional rights of the Republic of Srpska: Seizure of Territory, Army and Justice], 1996–2006“. Leskovački zbornik, vol. 62 (2022), 363–380. https://doi.org/10.46793/LZ-LXII.363V
- Vukadinović, I. „Prizrenski proces 1956 i njegova revizija 1968. godine“ [The Prizren trial in 1956 and its abolition in 1968]. Tokovi istorije, no. 2 (2022), 125–152. DOI https://doi.org/10.31212/tokovi.2022.2.vuk.125-152
- Vukadinović, I. „Delatnost albanske emigracije na Zapadu po pitanju Kosova i Metohije [Activity of Albanian Emigration in the West towards the Issue of Kosovo and Metohija] (1945–1969)“. Zbornik radova Filozofskog fakulteta, br. 2 (2021), 237–255. https://scindeks-clanci.ceon.rs/data/pdf/0354-3293/2021/0354-32932102237V.pdf
- Vukadinović, I. „Ekonomski i prosvetni preobražaj autonomije Kosova i Metohije [Economic and educational transformation of the autonomy of Kosovo and Metohija] (1958–1965)“. Baština, sv. 54, (2021), 327–346. DOI https://doi.org/10.5937/bastina31-30520
- Vukadinović, I. „Italijanske i albanske oružane formacije na Kosovu i Metohiji tokom Drugog svetskog rata [Italian and Albanian armed formations in Kosovo and Metohija during the Second World War] (1941–1943)“. Vojnoistorijski glasnik, br. 1 (2021), 184–209. UDK: 94(497.115)"1941/1943"
- Vukadinović, I. „Kulturno i ekonomsko povezivanje Albanije i Kosova i Metohije [Cultural and economic connection of Albania and Kosovo and Metohija] (1967–1971)“. Istorija 20. veka XXXIX, br. 2 (2021), 375–396. DOI https://doi.org/10.29362/ist20veka.2021.2.vuk.375-396
- Vukadinović, I. „Promena položaja autonomnih jedinica u Srbiji i početak dezintegracije socijalističke Jugoslavije [Change in the position of autonomous units in Serbia and the beginning of Socialist Yugoslavia’s disintegration] (1957–1969)”. Leskovački zbornik, vol. LXI, 381–400. https://muzejleskovac.rs/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/Leskovacki-zbornik-LXI-1.pdf
- Vukadinović, I. „Prosvetna politika Kraljevine Albanije na Kosovu i Metohiji tokom Drugog svetskog rata [Educational policy of the Kingdom of Albania in Kosovo and Metohija during the Second World War]“. Tokovi istorije, no. 1 (2021), 109–132. DOI https://doi.org/10.31212/tokovi.2021.1.vuk.109-132
- Vukadinović, I. „Socialist educational policy in Autonomous Region of Kosovo and Metohija: Goals, objectives and outcomes“. Zbornik radova Filozofskog fakulteta u Prištini, no. 4 (2021), 277–301. https://scindeks-clanci.ceon.rs/data/pdf/0354-3293/2021/0354-32932104277V.pdf
- Vukadinović, I. „The Shift in Yugoslav-Albanian Relations: The Establishment of Ties between Albania and the Autonomous Province of Kosovo and Metohija (1966–1969)“. Balcanica, vol. LI (2020), 235–255. http://www.doiserbia.nb.rs/img/doi/0350-7653/2020/0350-76532051235V.pdf
- Vukadinović, I. 2019. „Jugoslovenska socijalna politika na Kosovu i Metohiji [Yugoslav social policy in Kosovo and Metohija] (1945–1974)“. In: Socijalna politika u Srbiji na raskršću vekova, ed. Vladimir Ilić, 235–245. Beograd: Visoka škola socijalnog rada.
- Vukadinović, I. „Ustanak Šabana Poluže u Drenici 1945. godine [Uprising of Shaban Poluzha in Drenica in 1945]“. Baština, no. 49 (2019), 291–310. http://dais.sanu.ac.rs/handle/123456789/7805
- Vukadinović, I. „Albanska pobuna na Kosovu i Metohiji 1944. i 1945. u svetlu britanske politike prema Balkanu [The Albanian rebellion in Kosovo and Metohija in 1944 and 1945 in the light of British policy towards the Balkans]”. Arhiv, XVII 1–2 (2016), 137–148. http://dais.sanu.ac.rs/handle/123456789/7806
- Vukadinović, I. 2016. „Oslobođenje Kosova i Metohije 1944. godine [Liberation of Kosovo and Metohija in 1944]“. In: Kosovo i Metohija u Drugom svetskom ratu: Sedam decenija kasnije, tematski zbornik međunarodnog značaja. Eds. V. Virijević, D. Elezović, 205–224. Kosovska Mitrovica: Filozofski fakultet Univerziteta u Prištini.
- Vukadinović, I. "The position of Albanians in Serbia and Yugoslavia in the context of the position of national minorities in neighboring countries (1945-1969)". Kosovo and Metohija in the 20th century (historical-geopolitical review), Faculty of Law in Belgrade, Institute for Political Studies and National Museum in Kraljevo, October 7, 2023.
- Vukadinović, I. "Subsidy of the economy of the Autonomous Kosovo-Metohija region from the budget of the People's Republic of Serbia, 1945-1953". The South Serbia and Serbian Statehood, Faculty of Philosophy in Niš and the Institute of Contemporary History, October 6, 2023.
- Vukadinović, I. "The role of media censorship in the changes to the constitutions of Yugoslavia and Serbia in 1968 and 1969". Journalism in the development of society and the state: Public speech and public condemnation, Faculty of Law in Belgrade and National Museum in Kraljevo, August 17-18, 2023.
- Vukadinović, I. „Economic and demographic comparison of South Serbia and Kosovo and Metohija under communist rule, 1945–1971“. The Serbian people in Old Serbia and Macedonia (1766–1991), University of Niš, The National Museum in Vranje, 28–29 October 2022.
- Vukadinović, I. „Political violence and the abolition of the constitutional rights of the Republic of Srpska: Seizure of Territory, Army and Justice, 1996–2006“. Serbian national integration and disintegration through time, University of Niš, The National Museum in Leskovac, 14–15 October 2022.
- Vukadinović, I. „Cultural diplomacy in the relations between Yugoslavia and Albania after the Second World War, 1945–1948“. Cultural diplomacy and cultural relations. Strengthening fair collaboration, diversity and dialogue, University of Arts in Belgrade, 1–3 June 2022.
- Vukadinović, I. „The subordination of ideologies to pragmatic policies: Albanian political leaders and the Fascist Italy, 1925–1939“. The Right-Wing Parties and Intellectuals in Interwar South Eastern Europe: Between Conservatism and Fascism, Institute for Balkan studies, Belgrade, 7–8 April 2022.
- Vukadinović, I. „The change in the position of autonomous units in Serbia and the beginning of the disintegration of socialist Yugoslavia (1957–1969)“. Reasons, experiences and consequences of the collapse of Yugoslavia in 1941 and 1991, University of Niš, The National Museum in Leskovac, 8–9 October 2021.
- Vukadinović, I. „The 1972 smallpox outbreak in Yugoslavia and the health status of the Albanian national minority in Kosovo.” Being a Minority in Times of Catastrophe, Birkbeck, University of London, 25–26 June 2021.
- Vukadinović, I. „Educational expansion in Socialist Serbia after the Second World War.“ The rise of education across European regions in the last two centuries, University of Groningen, 13 April 2021.
Vukadinović, I. „Yugoslav social policy in Kosovo and Metohija (1945–1974).“ Social policy in Serbia at the turn of the century, College of Social Work, Belgrade, 23 November 2018.