Aleksandra Đurić Milovanović, PhD
principal research fellow

Academic networks:
Dr. Aleksandra Đurić-Milovanović graduated in 2007 from the Department of Romance Studies, Group for Romanian Language and Literature, Faculty of Philology in Belgrade. She completed her master's studies at the Faculty of Political Sciences in Belgrade (majoring in Theory of Culture) and defended her master's thesis in 2008 with the topic Cultural Identity of the Christian Nazarene Community: Romanians in Vojvodina. She received her doctorate at the Faculty of Philosophy in Belgrade in 2012 with the topic Romanian Neo-Protestants in Vojvodina: between religious and ethnic identity. From 2009 to 2010, she was a researcher-scholar of the Ministry of Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia on the projects of the Institute for Balkan Studies of the Serbian Academy of Sciences. Since 2010, she has been employed at the Institute for Balkan Studies SASA, as a research assistant, since 2013 in the scientific title - research associate, in 2018 in the title of senior research associate and in 2024 in the title of principal research fellow.
For the purposes of preparing her doctoral dissertation in 2011 and 2012, she spent a research visit at Cornell University in the United States of America. For researching the migration of religious minorities from Yugoslavia to the United States of America, she received a scholarship from the Legacy Bible Institute Ohio USA, for ethnographic and archival research in the period from March to June 2015. Since 2016, she has been collaborating with the University College in Cork, Ireland, Department of Religious Studies, where she was a visiting professor in August-November 2017. In 2017, she was chosen as a participant in the international program for interreligious dialogue - International Fellow Program KAICIID: Center for Interreligious Dialogue - Vienna (Austria). Within the same organization, he has been coordinating the Network for Dialogue project since 2019. Since 2021, she has been a member of the scientific board for religious freedom in Barcelona at the University of Ramón Jules.
She held guest lectures at the University of Belgrade and Niš, the University of Cambridge, University College Cork, Houghton College in the United States of America, the Western University of Timisoara, the University of Jena (Germany), the University of Zagreb and the Ramon Ljulj University (Spain). In December 2022, she gave a lecture at the Council of Europe in Strasbourg, at the invitation of the Department for Combating Hate Speech and Intolerance in Europe. She also collaborated with ODHIR - OSCE, Berkley Center for Religion, Peace and World Affairs and many other institutions dealing with dialogue, inclusion of minority communities and overcoming hate speech. She was also engaged as an evaluator of the European Commission for the evaluation of Marie Sklodowska Curie Actions projects (Individual Fellowships, Innovative Training Networks). Participated in numerous scientific conferences and published four monographs and one handbook, edited two international collections of works in English and published as an author or co-author a large number of works in journals and edited collections in Serbian, English, Spanish, Romanian and Russian. She is a member of the Committee for National Minorities and Human Rights at SASA.
Areas of research: Ethnology and anthropology.
Research topics: anthropology of religion, migration studies, ethnic and religious communities in the Balkans, interreligious dialogue.
• She is the pricipal investigator of the bilateral project Serbia-Slovenia, with the Research Center from Koper (Scientific-Research Center Koper), which is implemented with the support of the Ministry of Science, Technology and Development of the Republic of Serbia - Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation of the Republic of Slovenia (2023-2025) Religious policies and freedom of conscience in interwar and socialist Yugoslavia: contexts of change - Institute for Balkan Studies (
• She is the principal investigator of the bilateral project between the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts and the Romanian Academy of Sciences: Cultural, political and diplomatic ties between Serbs and Romanians from the end of the 19th to the first half of the 20th century, which is being implemented from 2022 to 2024 (project coordinator of SASA academician Prof. Ljubomir Dimić).
• As part of the work on the project of the Institute for Balkan Studies SASA, Dr. Aleksandra Đurić Milovanović is the principal investigator of the project topic Migration and cultural transfers in the Balkans, which is financed by the Ministry of Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia.
• From 2022, she is the head of the working group within the project Cultural transfer Europe-Serbia from the 19th to the 21st century, Fund for Science within the Ideas program (project number: 7747152), implemented by: Institute for European Studies, Institute for Balkan Studies, SASA, Faculty of Political Sciences in Belgrade, Institute of Contemporary History and Faculty of Philology in Belgrade.
• Since 2019, she has been the coordinator of a project implemented within the framework of the international dialogue organization KAICIID Dialogue Center Network for Dialogue: empowering social inclusion of refugees and migrants in Europe.
• Since 2023, she is the head of the working group within the European COST project: Connecting Theory and Practical Issues of Migration and Religious Diversity (COREnet).
2016–2021 Creative Agency and Religious Minorities: ‘Hidden Galleries’ in the Secret Police Archives in 20th Century Central and Eastern Europe, PI Dr James Kapalo, University College Cork, European Research Council, no. 677355 (external project associate).
2018– People Seeking Refuge in Europe - Network for Dialogue: Empowering Interreligious and Intercultural Dialogue for Social inclusion of Refugees and Migrants in Europe, International Dialogue Center KAICIID, Vienna (project coordinator).
2018–2020 Forced Migration, Religious Diplomacy and Human Security in the Eastern Orthodox World, PI: Dr Lucian Leustean, British Academy Grant (project member).
March 2015–June 2015 The Emigration History of Nazarenes from Yugoslavia to the United States, Legacy Bible Institute Ohio USА (project leader).
2006–2010 Етничка и социјална стратификација Балкана, Ethnic and social stratification of the Balkans, Institute for Balkan Studies SASA, lead by Dr. Biljana Sikimic, Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, no. 148011 (scholarship holder, research assistant).
2011–2019 Дунав и Балкан: културно-историјско наслеђе, Danube and the Balkans: cultural and historical heritage, Institute for Balkan Studies SASA, lead by Dr. Djordje Kostic, Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, no. 177006 (research assistant).
2008 Language and identity – standard language in Belgrade, Institute for Serbian language, Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts and UNESCO (external researcher).
Books and collections
Djurić Milovanović, Aleksandra (2024). The Untold Journey of the Nazarene Emigration from Yugoslavia to North America. Lexington Books: Lanham.
Djurić Milovanović, Aleksandra, Kolundžija, Jovana, Măran, Mircea, Hedeșan, Otilia, D'Anca, Christene (eds.), (2023). New Cultural and Political Perspectives on Serbian-Romanian Relations. New York: Peter Lang Verlag, 1–375, ISBN 978-163-667-0348.
Djurić Milovanović A., Abu-Nimer M., Alabbadi A. and R. Nelson, (eds). Interfaith Dialogue in Action: A Guide for Dealing with COVID-19. International Dialogue Center: Vienna, 2020.
Djurić Milovanović, A. and M. Măran. Biserica Orthodoxă română din Banatul iugoslav in perioada interbelică. Cluj Napoca, Caransebeș: Presa Universitară Clujeană, Editura Episcopiei Caransebeșului, 2019.
Djurić Milovanović, A. and R. Radić, (eds). Orthodox Christian Renewal Movements in Eastern Europe. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2017.
Ђурић Миловановић, А. Двоструке мањине у Србији. О посебностима у религији и етницитету Румуна у Војводини. Београд: Балканолошки институт САНУ, 2015.
Djurić Milovanović, A., M. Maran, and B. Sikimić. Rumunske verske zajednice u Banatu. Prilog proučavanju multikonfesionalnosti Vojvodine. Vršac: Visoka strukovna škola za obrazovanje vaspitača “Mihailo Palov”, 2011.
Papers in journals and scientific collections
Djurić-Milovanović, A. 2020. “From Southeastern European Nazarenes to the Apostolic Christian Church in North America. Migration and Transformation of Christian Renewal Movement”. In Minorités religieuses dans le Sud-Est européen, ed. Vârtejanu-Joubert, M., 69–79. Academie Roumaine, Bibliotheque de l᾽Institute des etudes sud-est europeennes, Braila: Istros a muzeului Brailei ,,Carol I”. ISBN 978-606-654-408-5
Djurić Milovanović, A. and M. Veković. 2020. „Religion and Forced Displacement in Serbia“. In Religion and Forced Displacement in Eastern Orthodox World, 59–64. The Foreign Policy Centre, Aston University.
Djurić Milovanović, A. and M. Maran. 2020. „Începuturile mișcării Oastea Domnului în Banatul sârbesc”. In Comuniune și comunități: jertve, slujire, spiritualitate, Lucrările simpozionului internațional, 531–542. Caransebeș, Montefano: Editura Episcopiei Caransebeș.
Djurić Milovanović, A. “Converted Co-Ethnics”: Romanian Migrants in the Northern Serbian Province of Vojvodina”. Occasional Papers on Religion in Eastern Europe 40(2), (2020), 30–47.
Djurić Milovanović, A. “Guest Editorial: Interreligious Encounter and Religious Change in former Yugoslavia”. Occasional Papers on Religion in Eastern Europe 40(2), (2020), 1–2.
Djurić Milovanović, A. and R. Radić. “Women in the Serbian Orthodox Church: Historical Overview and Contemporary Situation”. Occasional Papers on Religion in Eastern Europe 39(6), (2019), 1–29.
Ђурић Миловановић, А. и M. Стојић Митровић. ”Наративи хуманитарних верских организација о едукацији миграната у Србији након затварања формализованог коридора 2016. године”. Гласник Етнографског института САНУ LXVII (2019), 573–581.
Djurić Milovanović, A. and M. Stojić Mitrović. 2019. “The Changing Dynamics of Migrant’s Support in Serbia: The Work of Faith-Based Organizations”, In Forced Migration and Human Security in the Eastern Orthodox World, ed. Lucian Leustean, 207–229. London: Routledge.
Djurić Milovanović, A. “Our faith is good but strict. The transformation of the Apostolic Christian Church of Nazarene in North America”. Journal of Amish and Plain Anabaptist Studies 6(1), (2018), 61–72.
Djurić Milovanović, A. and M. Maran. 2018. “Dinamismul vieții religioase la românii din Banatul sârbesc”. In Unitatea limbii și culturii române. Lucrările prezentate la congresul internațional al culturii române, 781–792. Timișoara: Editura Academiei Române.
Djurić Milovanović, A. 2018. „Migrațiile comunitățiilor religioase și patrimoniul material”. In Patrimoniul și patrimonializare a României, ed. Elena Rodica Colta, 126–137. București: Editura Etnologică.
Ђурић Миловановић, А. ”(Не)видљиви мигранти: миграције назарена у Северну Америку током комунизма у Југославији”. Гласник Етнографског института САНУ 65(3), (2018), 669–686.
Djurić Milovanović, A. 2017. „Pojava i razvoj neoprotestantizma kod Rumuna u Vojvodini“. In Međunarodni zbornik radova „500 godina protestantske reformacije u Srbiji“, eds. Dragan Todorović and Dragoljub Đorđević. Niš: Junir.
Djurić Milovanović, A. “Alternative Religiosity in Communist Yugoslavia: Migration as survival Strategy of the Nazarene community”. Open Theology 3, (2017), 447–457.
Djurić Milovanović, A. and R. Radić. 2017. “God-Prayers Movement in the Serbian Society of the 20th Century: the Emergence, Development, Basic Features”. In Orthodox Christian Renewal Movements in Eastren Europe, eds. Aleksandra Djurić Milovanović and Radmila Radić, 137–172. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
Djurić Milovanović, A. “On the Road to Religious Freedom”: A Study of the Nazarene Emigration from Southeast Europe to the United States, Journal for Ethnology and Folklore 1/2, (2017), 5–27.
Djurić Milovanović, A. and M. Măran. „Religijski identitet i migracije: Rumuni iz Banata u Severnoj Americi”, Religija i tolerancija XIV(25), (2016), 21–37
Djurić Milovanović, Aleksandra. “God Doesn’t Know about Nationalities”: Questioning Religion and Nationalism in Evangelical Communities in Romania, Omnes: Journal for Multicultural Society 7(1), (2016), 1–21.
Djurić Milovanović, A. and M. Maran. „Biserica Orthodoxă Română şi începuturile mişcării năzărinene la români“, Analele Aradului 2(2), (2016), 392–407.
Djurić Milovanović, A. and M. Măran. “Orthodox Church and Serbo-Romanian Relations in Banat in the 19th and in the first half of 20th century“. Analele Universităţii Eftimie Murgu 23(2), (2016), 9–23.
Djurić Milovanović, A. and M. Măran. „Kulturna udruženja Rumuna u Vojvodini”. Etnološko-antropološke sveske 24, (2015), 69–84.
Djurić Milovanović, A. and M. Măran. “Language and Religion in the Romanian Religious Communities in Serbia“. Studii de ştiinţa şi cultură XI 1, (2015), 157–165.
Djurić Milovanović, A. and M. Măran. “From Double to Triple Minority Romanian Neoprotestants from the Serbian Banat in the United States and Canada“. Transylvanian Review 24(3), (2015), 85–97.
Джурич-Милованович, A. „Современные религиозные трансформации в поликультурной среде: неопротестантские общины в Воеводине (Сербия)“. State, Religion, Society in Russia and Worldwide 2(32), (2014), 93–112.
Djurić-Milovanović, A. and M. Maran. 2014. „Biserici tradiţionale şi comunităţile neo-protestante în locălităţile Banatului sârbesc (sec. XIX–XX)“. In Administraţie românească aradeană studii şi comunicării din Banat-Crişana, eds. D.Sinaci, E. Arbonie, 369–381. Arad: Vasile Goldis University Press.
Đurić Milovanović, A. and M. Măran. “Primary and Secondary Romanian Education System in Vojvodina – Republic of Serbia“. Analele Universităţii Eftimie Murgu – Fascicola de ştiinţe social umaniste 2(1), (2014), 45–53.
Đurić Milovanović, A., Adam, S. i M. Măran. 2014. Srbi i Rumuni u urbanom svetu Banata – katalog izložbe/Sârbii şi românii în lumea urbană a Banatului – catalogul expoziţiei. Vršac, Temišvar: Centar za banatske studije, Visoka škola za obrazovanje vaspitača, Zapadni Univerzitet Temišvar.
Đurić Milovanović, A. i M. Maran. „Etnokonfesionalna prožimanja na granici: Rumuni u opštini Vršac“. Teme – časopis za društvene nauke 3, (2013), 1059–1078.
Djurić Milovanović, A. “How long have you been in the truth? Expressing new forms of religiosity: Romanian neo-Protestants in Serbia”. Ethnologia Balkanica 16, (2013), 167–177.
Đurić Milovanović, A. 2013. „Cercetări de teren privind comunităţile confesionale mici în Banatul sârbesc şi în cel românesc“, Anuar 116–125. Institutul de cultură al românilor din Voivodina. Zrenianin.
Đurić Milovanović, A. 2013. „Konfesionalne granice u Banatu: primer Srba u Banatskoj klisuri“, U Kulturna prožimanja: antropološke perspektive, ur. Srđan Radović, 217–227. Beograd: Etnografski institut SANU.
Ђурић Миловановић, А. и М. Илић. ”Коме треба антрополошка лингвистика у Србији данас? Пример креирања звучног-дигиталног архива Балканолошког института САНУ”. Етнолошко-антрополошке свеске 21(10), (2013), 73–89.
Đurić Milovanović, A. i N. 2013. Mladenović. „Sveto i virtuelno: protestantizam i neoprotestantizam u sajberprostoru“. U Mediji, religija i nasilje, ur. S. Sremac, N. Knežević i D. Valić-Nedeljković, 148–159. Novi Sad/Beograd: Centar za istraživanje religije, politike i društva/Bogoslovsko društvo Otočnik.
Djurić Milovanović, A. “Serbs in Romania: between Religious and Ethnic Identity”, Balcanicа XLIII (2012), 117–142.
Djurić Milovanović, A. i M. Ilić. 2012. “Digital Archive of the Banat Vernaculars and Culture: Fieldwork and Perspectives”. U Research, Preservation and Presentation of Banat Heritage: Current State and Long Term Strategy, ur. I. Pantović, 151–157. Vršac: Gradski Muzej.
Djurić Milovanović, A. “Smuggling Bibles”: Everyday life of Baptist Serbs in Romania. Religion in Eastern Europe 32(4), (2012), 33–40.
Đurić Milovanović, A. „Iz sveta više nema nikog da dođe u veru našu“: Srbi nazareni u Rumuniji. Religija i tolerancija 10(18), (2012), 299–316.
Đurić Milovanović, A. „Ako je došao silom on ne ostaje“: narativi o konverziji u rumunskim neoprotestantskim zajednicama. Interkulturalnost – časopis za podsticanje i afirmaciju interkulturalne komunikacije 3, (2012), 160–176.
Djurić Milovanović, A. i S. Lazarević Radak. “The Turks and the Balkans in modernist travelogue: English representations of the Turks in hidden Europe”. Journal of ADAM Akademi 2(2), (2012), 39–50.
Ђурић-Миловановић, А. 2012. „Еванђеоски хришћани на Дунаву: развој баптизма у Новом Саду“. У Дунавом од Бездана до Београда, ур. Ђ. Костић, 83–98. Београд: Балканолошки институт САНУ.
Đurić Milovanović, A. 2011. „Minorităţile etnice şi religioase: Românii neoprotestanţi în Serbia“, In Minoritar în Europa – memorie, istorie, destin, ed. Elena Rodica Colta, 68–85. Arad: Complexul Muzeului Arad.
Đurić Milovanović, A., Knechtl, C. and M. Perožić. 2011. “Singing for the Boar: Some Collective Identity and the Consumption of Tradition in the Greek-Albanian Border”. In Balkan Border Crossings: 2nd Annual of the Konitsa Summer School, eds. V. Nitsiakos, I. Manos, G. Ageloupoulos, A. Angelidou and V. Dalkavoukis, 191–201. Berlin: Lit Verlang.
Đurić Milovanović A. 2011. „Românii nazarineni din Banatul sârbesc“. In Contribuţii la Istoria Ecleziastică a Banatului, eds. C. Dascălu, and N. Bocşan, 263–279. Timişoara: Academia Română, Filiala Timişoara Institutul de studii Banatice „Titu Maiorescu”.
Đurić Milovanović, A. „Observaţii despre minorităţile religioase“. Europa: revistă de ştiinţa şi artă în tranziţie 8(4), (2011), 25–29.
Đurić Milovanović, A. „Băieşii din Ripanj“. Piramida: Revistă trimestrală de cultură, investigaţie şi atitudine. Primăvara 2 (2011), 90–103.
Đurić Milovanović, A. „Multikulturalizam i religijski pluralizam: Rumuni nazareni kao manjina manjine u Vojvodini“. Religija i tolerancija 14, (2011), 357–374.
Đurić Milovanović, A. 2011. „Alternativna i stara/nova religija: Rumuni neoprotestanti u Srbiji“. U Antropologija religije i alternativne religije, ur. D. Sinani, 293–315. Beograd: Srpski genealoški centar i Odeljenje za etnologiju i antropologiju Filozofskog fakulteta u Beogradu.
Đurić Milovanović, A. „Savremena istraživanja religije: dometi interdisciplinarnosti“. Синтезис: часопис за хуманистичке науке и друштвену стварност II (1), (2011), 29–44.
Đurić Milovanović, A. “Conservative Neo-Protestants: Romanian Nazarenes in Serbia”. Religion in Eastern Europe XXX 3 (2010), 34–43.
Đurić Milovanović, A. 2009. „Minorităţi duble şi invizibile: românii năzărineni din Voivodina“. In Annual of Romanian cultural institute from Voivodina, eds. Costa Roşu, Mircea Măran and Ion Lelea, 201–217. I Zrenianin: ICRV.
Đurić Milovanović, A. “The bride dressed in Romanian manner in Serbian Banat”. Alimori. Journal of Ethnology and Anthropology 1(1), (2009), 81–89.
Đurić Milovanović, A. 2009. “Memory, evocation, representation – private museums in a Romanian village in Serbian Banat”. In Cultural Spaces and Archaic Background, eds. Delia Suiogan, Ştefan Mariş and Carmen Dărăbus, 141–160. Baia Mare: Editura Universitatii de Nord şi Ed. Ethnologica.
Đurić Milovanović, A. 2008. „Rumunska pravoslavna crkva u srpskom Banatu“. U Religije Srbije mreža dijaloga i saradnje, ur. Čupić, Č., Vukomanović, M. i Sitarski, M., 203–215. Beograd: Centar za istraživanja religije, Beogradska otvorena škola.
Ђурић Миловановић, А. 2008. „Крвна жртва: између Беле Цркве и Рипња“, У Крвна жртва: трансформације једног ритуала, ур. Сикимић, Б., 151–174. Београд: Балканолошки институт САНУ.
Đurić Milovanović, A. 2008. „Ruga albă: simbol religijskog i etničkog identiteta Rumuna u pograničnom delu Banata“. In Banat–kulturna i istorijska prošlost, еds. Carmen Albert and Costa Rosu, 321–334. Novi Sad – Reşiţa.
Đurić Milovanović, A. „Ruga albă sau Crucea cu patru stâlpi, simbolul identităţii religioase şi etnice a românilor“. Tradiţia 31–32, (2007), 16–18.
Đurić Milovanović, A. “The cross with four pillars as the center of religious gathering: Discussing Micro regional Identity”. Ethnologia Balkanica 11, (2007), 171–184.
Đurić Milovanović, A. “Paschalis M. Kitromilides, Religion and Politics in the Orthodox World. The Ecumenical Patriarchate and the Challenges of Modernity. London and New York: Routledge, 2018, 130”. Balcanica 49 (2018), 262–264.
Đurić Milovanović, A. “Ulf Brunnbauer, Globalizing Southeastern Europe: Emigrants, America, and State since the Late Nineteenth Century. Lanham, Md.: Lexington Books, 2016, 357 p.”. Balcanica XLVIII (2017), 376–379.
Đurić Milovanović, A. “Leah Payne, Gender and Pentecostal Revivalism: Making a Female Ministry in the Early Twentieth Century. CHARIS: Christianity and Renewal—Interdisciplinary Studies), New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2015”. Religion and Gender 7(2), (2017), 278–280.
Đurić Milovanović, A. “Marija Ilić, Discourse and Ethnic Identity. The Case of the Serbs from Hungary. Transl. Edward Alexander. Berlin – Munich: Otto Sagner Verlag, 2014, 344 p.”. Balcanica XLVI (2015), 452–454.
Đurić Milovanović, A. “Sanja Bošković, Kosovski kulturološki mit [Kosovo Cultural Myth]. Belgrade: Službeni glasnik, 2014, p. 488”. Balcanica XVL (2014), 469–471.
Đurić Milovanović, A. “Miodrag Ciuruşchin, Political and Diplomatic Relations of Romania and Serbia between 1903 and 1914 [Relaţiile politico-diplomatice ale României cu Serbia în perioada 1903–1914]. Timisoara: Mirton, 2010, p. 394”. Balcanica XLV (2014), 487–490.
Đurić Milovanović, A. “Andrej Milin, Miodrag Milin and Cvetko Mihajlov, Srbi u Rumuniji za vreme komunizma. Zvučni arhiv i priručnik o stradanju [Serbs in Romania under Communism. An audio archive and a handbook on hardship]. Timisoara: Savez Srba u Rumuniji, 2011, p. 552”. Balcanica XLIII (2012), 364–365.
Đurić Milovanović, A. “Sînziana Preda: Istorie şi memorie în comunităţile cehilor din clisura dunării [History and memory: Czechs in the Danube gorge], Universitatea Babeş-Bolyai Cluj-Napoca, Institutul de istorie orală, Cluj-Napoca, Argonaut, 2010, p. 326”. Balcanica XLII (2011), 236–238.
Đurić Milovanović, A. “Magdalena Slavkova, Циганите Eвангелисте в България [Evangelical Gypsies in Bulgaria]. Sofia: Paradigma, 2007, p. 373”. Balcanica XXXIX (2008), 305–307.
Encyclopedic entries
Jakob Ammann - The World's Greatest Religious Leaders Encyclopedia, eds. Scott E. Hendrix, Uchenna Okeja, ABC-CLIO, 2018, 29–33
James Springer White - The World's Greatest Religious Leaders Encyclopedia, eds. Scott E. Hendrix, Uchenna Okeja, ABC-CLIO, 2018, 720–723.