Dunja Radojević, MA
research assistant

Contact: dunja.radojevic@bi.sanu.ac.rs
Academic networks:
She acquired the title of graduate professor of Language and Literature at the Faculty of Philology, University of Belgrade in 2016. In 2017, at the same faculty, she defended her master's thesis Onomastics in the textbook set Do vstreči v Rossii, gaining the title of master professor of Language and Literature. She has been attending Doctoral studies at the Faculty of Philology since 2017. The topic of the submitted doctoral dissertation is Russian Culture in Serbian and Bulgarian Memoirs from 1838 to 1918 (supervisor prof. Dr. Ksenija Končarević). Since June 2018, she has been employed at the Institute for Balkan Studies SASA. Within inter-academic cooperation, she went to Sofia twice. She participated in the processing of the digital archive of the SASA Institute (DAIS).
Areas of research and research topics - Russian culture (XVIII and XIX century), Russian communication culture, Serbian memoirs, Bulgarian memoirs, Russian onomastics, universal languages.
Радојевић, Д. „Комуникациона култура као предмет конфронтационих руско-српских истраживања“. Славистика XXV/2 (2021), 272–284.
Радојевић, Д. "Герасим Зелић о Русији (Прилози проучавању житија Герасима Зелића)". Братство XXV (2021), 65-76.
Радојевић, Д. „Комуникациони неспоразуми узроковани дефицитом културолошких знања у ситуацијама руско-српског билингвизма.“ XIII научни скуп младих филолога Србије Савремена проучавања језика и књижевности, Филолошко-уметнички факултет у Крагујевцу, 10. април 2021.