Konstantin Dragaš, PhD
research assistant

Contact: konstantin.dragas@bi.sanu.ac.rs
Academic networks:
Born on November 21st 1993 in Belgrade, where he finished elementary school "Mihailo Petrović Alas" and Fifth Belgrade Grammar School (social-linguistic department). He participated in municipal history competitions during the school year 2005/06 and 2006/07 and won first place both times. He began his undergraduate studies in History at the Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade, in 2012, and graduated in 2016 with an average grade of 9.13. In September 2016, he defended his dissertation titled Political Ideas of the Paris Commune in 1871 at the Department of General History of the 19th Century, under the mentorship of professor Miloš Ković, PhD. He enrolled in Master's Studies at the same faculty, which he completed in 2017, with an average grade of 9.17 and defended his master's thesis titled Swiss Experiences of Serbian Intellectuals (1864-1914), under the mentorship of the same professor. Enrolled in Doctoral studies in history in 2018 at the Faculty of Philosophy in Belgrade, with the submitted topic of his doctoral dissertation titled Italy and the Serbian Question 1911-1915, which he is currently working on. He speaks English, French and Italian, and to a lesser extent Russian and Latin.
Areas of research and research topics - Political history of Europe, European empires / nations and the Balkans in the 19th and 20th centuries; history of diplomatic relations between Serbia and Italy; Serbian-Italian relations in the 19th and 20th centuries; Italian irredentism; Comparative history of the ideology of political parties in the Balkans 1870–1918; Italian nationalism; Serbian - French cultural and diplomatic relations; history of the Serbian people in Dalmatia, the Principality / Kingdom of Serbia, Austro-Hungary from 1804 to 1914; history of Serbian political parties from 1881 to 1918; ideas, forms, characteristics, history of the revolutionary European emigration of the 19th century; history of political ideas (socialism, liberalism, nationalism) in the context of forming ideologies of modern history, cultural history, history of Serbian / European press.
2018– Историја политичких идеја и институција на Балкану (177011), (History of Political Ideas and Institutions in the Balkans) (177011), Serbian Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, project leader Vojislav G. Pavlović, PhD. Institute for Balkan Studies SASA.
Scientific papers
Dragaš, K. „A review of contradictory interpretations of Giuseppe Mazzini's Political Thought on the Balkans. Mazzini between national democracies, imperialism and anti – imperialism“. In The Balkans in the Age of New Imperialism and Beyond, ed. by Vojislav G. Pavlović, 25–45. Académie Roumaine, Institut d' Études Sud– Est Européennes, Brăila: Istros a Muzeului Brăilei „Carol I“, 2021.
Драгаш, К. “Коријере дела сера према Србији и "Српском питању" у Балканским ратовима (1912-1913): политички поглед из Италије”. Зборник матице српске за историју (ЗМСИ), 103 (2021), 53–89.
Драгаш, К. „Џејмс Фази (1794 – 1878) и Владимир Јовановић (1833 – 1922): познанство, утицаји, идеје. [James Fazy (1794 – 1878) and Vladimir Jovanović (1833 – 1922): Аcquaintance, Influences, Ideas]“. Зборник Матице српске за историју (ЗМСИ) 101 (1/2020) (2020), 31–52.
Dragaš, K. „Federico Imparato, La „chiave dell' Adriatico. Antonio Salandra, Gaetano Salvemini, la Puglia e la politica balcanica dell' Italia liberale durante la Grande Guerra (1914–1918), Rubbettino Editore, 2019, 422 pp.“ Istraživanja, Journal of Historical Researches 31 (2020), 286–288.
Dragaš, K. „Marco Cuzzi, Dal Risorgimento al Mondo Nuovo. La Massoneria italiana nella Prima guerra mondiale, Milano: Mondadori Education S. p. A., 2017, 406 p.” Istraživanja, Journal of Historical Researches (30) (2019), 314–316. http://dais.sanu.ac.rs/handle/123456789/7784
Dragaš, K. „Биографија профињеног фашисте. Е. ди Риенцо, Ћано. Јавни и приватни живот режимског зета Италије током црних двадесет година, Салерно едитриче, Рим 2018. E. di Rienzo, Ciano. Vita pubblica e privata del „genero di regime“ nell' Italia del Ventennio nero, Salerno Editrice, Roma 2018, pp. 700.“ Зборник матице српске за историју, бр. 100, (2/2019), 153–155. http://dais.sanu.ac.rs/handle/123456789/7918
Dragaš, K. „D. Lieven. The End of Tsarist Russia: The March to World War I and Revolution. New York: Penguin Books, 2015, 443 p.” Balcanica XLIX (2018), 256–257. http://dais.sanu.ac.rs/handle/123456789/7821
Dragaš, K. The Political Ideology of the Risorgimento and the Serbian national movement in XIX century: the similarities and differences of the two political concepts and their heritage. Presented at "Layers and Connections of the Political", Rome, the Association for Political History (APH) and Luiss Guido Carli University Rome (School for Government), 14th – 21st June 2021.
Драгаш, K. „Ђузепе Мацини у српској публицистици и историографији пре Великог рата“[Giuseppe Mazzini nella storiografia e pubblicistica serba prima della Grande guerra]. Представљено на Научни скуп поводом 140 година успостављања дипломатских односа Србије и Италије (Convegno in occasione dei 140 anni di relazioni diplomatiche tra Italia e Serbia), Београд, Српска академија наука и уметности (САНУ), у организацији САНУ и Италијанског института за културу (Istituto italiano di cultura), 31. мај–1.јун 2019.
Dragaš, K. „Mazzini between national democracies, imperialism and anti-imperialism: a review of contradictory interpretations of Giuseppe Mazzini's political thought and question of Balkans.” Представљено на Political, Social and Religious Dynamics in South-EasternEurope (Dynamiques politiques, sociales et religeuses dans le Sud – Esteuropéen), у организацији AISSEE, 12th Congress of South – East European Studies, Букурешт, 2–7. септембар 2019.