
La région de Svrljig en Serbie orientale – préhistoire, antiquité et moyen âge

25. Apr 2013.

On 9 April 2013 the French Institute in Serbia hosted the presentation of the bilingual French-Serbian book La région de Svrljig en Serbie orientalepréhistoire, antiquité et moyen âge / Сврљишка област у праиcторији, антици средњем веку, authored by Vladimir P. Petrović, Vojislav Filipović and Slaviša Milivojević.

 In December 2012 was released the monograph La réegion de Svrljig en Serbie orientale – préhistoire, antiquité et moyen âge / Сврљишка област у праиcторији, антици и средњем веку published by the SASA Institute for Balkan Studies and the Cultural Centrе of Svrljig, in cooperation with the French Institute in Serbia and with financial support of the Municipality of Svrljig. The authors of this entirely bilingual French/Serbian book, prefaced by Prof. Sreten Petrović, are the archaeologists Vladimir P. Petrović, Institute for Balkan Studies, Belgrade, Vojislav Filipović, Archeological Institute, Belgrade, and Slaviša Milivojević, Director of the Local Museum at Svrljig.

The archeological research underway in the area of Svrljig since 2013 has been jointly carried out by the SASA Institute for Balkan studies, Serbia, and the Ausonius Institute from Bordeaux, France. This project, which also engages French and Serbian archaeology students, is based on the collaborative research agreement made between the two institutes.

 The recently published book sums up the knowledge gained from archaeological excavations at Svrljig, from the scanty information supplied by former researchers, and from the finds, purchased or collected in the area over time, in the care of the Local Museum at Svrljig. It should be noted that this is the first monograph on the subject intended both for the domestic public and for the foreign academic community, and that it has already found its way into some of Europe’s most important libraries and universities.
