
Book Promotions of Dr. Aleksandra Đurić Milovanović in the United States

17. Oct 2024.

Dr. Aleksandra Đurić Milovanović, a principal research fellow at the Institute for Balkan Studies of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, visited the United States where she held two promotions of her new monograph The Untold Journey of the Nazarene Emigration from Yugoslavia to North America (Lexington Books, 2024). The first promotion, organized by the Embassy of the Republic of Serbia in Washington D.C., took place on October 8, 2024. In addition to the author, speakers included Rev. dr William Allan Church, president of the National Clergy Council - Capitol Hill, Dr. Joseph Pfeiffer, Fuller Theological Seminary (California), and Prof. Dr. Aleksandar Santrač, Loyola University in Maryland. The second promotion was held on October 10 in Ohio, at Wayne College, University of Akron, and gathered around 250 participants. The event was organized by the Association for Amish and Anabaptist Studies. A large number of members of the Nazarene community in Ohio attended the promotion, as this is the only monograph that explores the history of Nazarene emigration to America, as well as their integration into a new environment. Dr. Aleksandra Đurić Milovanović’s visit to America provided an opportunity to promote this monograph to a wider audience, as well as to the Nazarene community itself, as a result of her years of research on this topic. During the visit Dr. Djuric Milovanovic visited Columbia University – Harriman Institute, Princeton University and HQ of the United Nations in New York City.
