
Dr Vladimir P. Petrović at the scientific conference: XLVII Annual Scientific Meeting of the Serbian Archaeological Society in Niš

03. Jun 2024.

Dr Vladimir P. Petrović, Principal Research Fellow of the Institute for Balkan Studies of SASA, participated at the scientific conference: XLVII Annual Scientific Meeting of the Serbian Archaeological Society in Niš, on May 30, 2024. Dr. Petrović submitted a co-authored oral paper with Gordan Janjić MA, Museum Advisor of the Museum of the Krajina in Negotin, under the title: Ćetaće (Laccoburgus?): Roman fortification on limes. On that occasion, Petrović and Janjić presented the project: Systematic Excavations of the site "Ćetaće – Radujevac”, in Negotin Municipality, by the Confluence of Timok and Danube Rivers, as a part of the Roman Limes of the Institute for Balkan Studies of SASA. The research project of the "Ćetaće" site, which is on the preliminary UNESCO list, is financed by the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Serbia with co-financing by the Krajina Museum in Negotin.

The host of the XLVII Scientific Meeting of the Serbian Archaeological Society was the Institute for the Protection of Cultural Monuments in Niš.


