
International Conference on the occasion of 25 years of entering into force of the Council of Europe’s Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities

11. Dec 2023.

Dr. Aleksandra Djurić Milovanović, Senior Research Associate participated in the international conference “Challenges of Monitoring in the European Multicultural Environment”, from 6th until 8th of December 2023 at the Institute for Social Sciences in Belgrade. The conference was organised on the occasion of 25 years of entering into force of the Council of Europe’s Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities.

Dr Djuric Milovanovic presented a paper entitled Ethno-religious minorities and challenges of multiculturalism: European context. The conference was organised by the Institute of Social Sciences, Academic Network for Cooperation in Southeast Europe in cooperation with the Advisory Committee for the Council of Europe’s Framework Convention for the Protection of Minorities and Centre for Minority Issues from Flensburg (ECMI).



