
Scientific conference "International Colloquium Alfred von Domaszewski. Latin Epigraphy in the Roman Empire"

23. Dec 2022.

Dr Vladimir P. Petrović, principal research fellow of the Institute for Balkan Studies of SASA, participated at the scientific conference: International Colloquium Alfred von Domaszewski. Latin Epigraphy in the Roman Empire, which was held from December 14 to 17, 2022, in Timisoara, Romania. Dr. Petrović submitted an oral presentation under the title: Les plus anciennes bornes milliaires de la Mésie supérieure : la contribution sur la question de l’ancienneté du réseau routier dans les Balkans centraux. The conference was organized by the National Museum of Banat, Timisoara and the University Babeș-Bolyai, Faculty of History and Philosophy.

