
The Scientific International Session PONTICA, 55th Edition: HISTORY AND ARCHAEOLOGY IN THE WEST PONTIC REGION

21. Nov 2022.

Vladimir P. Petrović, PhD, principal research fellow of the Institute for Balkan Studies of SASA, participated at the scientific conference: The Scientific International Session PONTICA, 55th Edition: HISTORY AND ARCHAEOLOGY IN THE WEST PONTIC REGION, which was held in Constanța from 16th to 18th November 2022.

Petrović submitted an oral presentation co-authored with Gordan Janjić MA from the Museum of Krajina in Negotin, by ZOOM platform, under the title: The region of Aquae (Prahovo) on Danubian Limes: Fresh Archeological Researches. The conference was organized by the Museum of National History and Archaeology Constanța and the Center for the Study of Black Sea Civilisations.
