
Тhe third and closing conference within the project “Probing the Boundaries of the (Trans)National: Imperial Legacies, Transnational Literary Networks and Multilingualism in East Central Europe)”

11. Jul 2022.

The international conference entitled “Learning the Language of the Neighbors: Education Policies, Ideologies and Practices in East Central Europe” was held on June 8 and 9, 2022, at the University of Oslo in Norway. It is the third and closing conference within the project “Probing the Boundaries of the (Trans)National: Imperial Legacies, Transnational Literary Networks and Multilingualism in East Central Europe)”, carried out by the Institute for Balkan Studes SASA and the University of Oslo, Department of LiteratureArea Studies and European Languages (ILOS), funded by the Norwegian Research Council. At the conferenece, 15 researchers from 11 countries presented their papers within three panels.

The conference program and photographs are attached.
