
International/Interslavic 2020/2021

15. Mar 2021.

Svetlana Ćirković, senior research associate, and Mirjana Mirić, research associate of the Institute for Balkan Studies SASA, participated at the international scientific conference Internationalisms in Slavic as a window into the architecture of grammar (INTERNATIONAL/INTERSLAVIC 2020/2021) with the contributions entitled Serbian loan-verbs adaptation in the Gurbet Romani in Eastern Serbia (Ćirković and Mirić) and Modal verbs, aspectual verbs and future tense construction in the South-Slavic Lužnica vernacular: the lack of inflection and the complementizer da omission (Mirić). The conference took place online, on 24–26 February 2021. It was hosted by the University of Graz (Austria).


Conference programme and abstracts
