The Promise of a New Europe: The Paris Peace Treaties of 1919-20 and the International Order in the Interwar Years
Dr. Dragan Bakić, assistant research professor of the Institute for Balkan Studies SASA, participated at the conference entitled The Promise of a New Europe: The Paris Peace Treaties of 1919-20 and the International Order in the Interwar Years, held at the Andrássy University in Budapest on 23-24 May 2018, organized by the Center for Diplomacy of the Andrássy University, University of Aberdeen and Eötvös Loránd University in Budapest, which gathered together distinguished researchers from a number of European countries. Dr. Bakić presented a paper under the title “The Kingdom of Yugoslavia during the Peace Conference and its Aftermath” within the panel International Constellations and Change in the States System: The European World of States during the Interwar Years.