
An international scholarly conference was held in Moscow concerning the subject of „Unique and typical in folklore“

14. Dec 2016.

Organised by the Russian state university for humanities (RGGU) and the Committee for folklore within the International Committee of Slavists (ICS), in Moscow, from the 17th until the 19th of November, 2016. an international scholarly conference was held concerning the subject of of „Unique and typical in folklore“.

Dr Ljubinko Radenković, senior research fellow of the Institute for Balkan Studies (SASA), participated in this conference, submitting his paper in russian on „Legends about the killing of the elderly -slavic- baltic- caucasus parallel“. Based on the analysis of many variants of such legends in three different groups of people, the paper pointed out their common elements, as well as some of their regional characteristics.

Most of the submitted papers dealt with the subject of the relationship of the individual and overall in specific genres of Slavic folklore, as well as in ritual behavior (in etiological and demonological legends, in dream interpretations, wedding rituals, incantation etc.).

The program of the conference
