"Pavle Savic" - "Partnership Hubert Curien"

Bilateral scientific project with France: The program of integrated activities "Pavle Savic" - "Partnership Hubert Curien" (PHC), 2014-2015 (no. 451-03-3455/2013-09/16)

Institute for Balkan Studies of SASA and the Institute Ausonius in Bordeaux implement bilateral scientific cooperation project entitled: Middle Danube, Sava and Lower Central Balkans: Land of anchor, Land of Passage from Ist to Vth century AD, in the framework of integrated activities "Pavle Savic" / "Partnership Hubert Curien" (PHC), 2014-2015 (no. 451-03-3455/2013-09/16). The project is managed by dr Vladimir P. Petrovic, senior research associate of the Institute for Balkan Studies of SASA  - Serbian side, and Prof. dr Francis Tassaux, Ausonius Institute - French side. Members of the project team at the Serbian side are: dr Dragana Grbic, Research Associate - Institute for Balkan Studies SASA, mr Vojislav Filipovic, Research Assistant - Archaeological Institute in Belgrade and ma Jasmina Davidovic, senior curator - Museum of Srem in Sremska Mitrovica. Members of the project team at the French side are: mr Yolond Marion, dr Elis Fovet and dr Alexandra Robert. The project is jointly funded by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of Republic of Serbia and the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of the Republic of France.

